Wednesday, September 10, 2014

How has art, design, and creativity changed you?


To start off, I feel free. Art, design, and creativity has really opened up my mind, and allowed me to think farther than I have before. I’ve gotten away from doubting myself and my ideas. "We see only the obvious way of looking at a problem—the same comfortable way we always think about it. Another barrier is self-censorship, that inner voice of judgment that confines our creative spirit within the boundaries of what we deem acceptable. It's the voice that whispers to you, "They'll think I'm foolish," or "That will never work." I’ve noticed my selection in music, lifestyle, and health concerns have all changed due to art, design, and creativity. I’m starting to see everything in life for what it really is. I now believe that everything in life is a piece of art. "We tend to think of it as rarefied: artists, musicians, poets. But the cook in her kitchen is showing creativity when she invents a variation on a recipe." The music I listen to now really stimulates my mind, helping my creative juices to flow; music with a meaning, to me at least. My lifestyle is a little more care free. I found that I barely stress anymore. Life comes as is. I’m more interested in taking a more organic and natural health lifestyle. Opening my mind to what nature has to offer. I found myself taking more risks, and being okay with failing. "Creative people are committed to risk. The creative person always walks two steps into the darkness. Everybody can see what's in the light... the real heroes delve in the dark." Everything is art. Art is life.

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